Top5 Most Creative People in the Music Biz
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Pharrell Williams

As half of the production duo known as the Neptunes, he has helped everyone from Britney Spears to the Hives land on the charts.


Gregg Gillis
Mashup artist

The ex-biomedical engineer, also known as Girl Talk, layers unlicensed song samples and "performs" them live, with his laptop center stage.


Alexandra Patsavas
Owner, Chop Shop Music Supervision

She has a gift for matching the right song to the right scene in some of TV's most popular shows.


Tim Westergren
Chief Strategy Officer & Founder, Pandora

An award-winning composer, an accomplished musician, and a record producer, Westergren founded the Music Genome Music Project, a technology that uses over 400 attributes to describe songs and a complex mathematical algorithm to organize them and launched it with Pandora in January 2000. Nine years later, it's the world's favorite Internet and mobile radio station, with the best built-in system for music discovery ever.


DeAndre "Soulja Boy Tell'em" Way

The 18-year-old Web wunderkind took a crazy song and dance, and propelled it via YouTube and MySpace fame into an Interscope recording contract and platinum record sales. And to prove he was no one-hit wonder, he returned with a chart topping sophomore set. Now he's branched out into a live-action animation series and an endorsement deal with Yums footwear and fashions. Next up: a video game for Xbox 360, and acting.
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